Moving yards - worming?


Active Member
May 7, 2004
West Yorkshire
My hoss is moving yards next week, yard policy meant she had to be wormed only 3 weeks ago. Will she need worming AGAIN at this new place, she's a healthy and fit(ish) 14hh dales mare.

Will she need worming again at the new place? :)
i'd wormed J 2 weeks before we moved and haven't had to worm again. The YO should hopefully see no sense in worming again. hope she's packed her bags sensibly ;)

Often a new yard owner will accept evidence of a clear worm count these days. Otherwise you cannot expect them to accept a new horse without seeing it wormed.

I have a few liveries here and nearly every time a new one arrives with a history of 'just been wormed' or 'on a good worming programme' the horse turns out to have a high worm count. I won't let any horse be turned out without a clear count first and many good yards now insist on this.

My own recent new horse surprised me by not needing worming at all. She was an exception.
actually, Gill is talking sense! my new YO knows me so knows my horse would be ok, but if you're not 'known' then its sensible to check. A horse arrived on my new yard a few months ago from a very well known local dressagey person having been 'recently wormed'. new owner has been struggling to get weight on him but put that down to his young age. the horses were all wormed this week and he had redworm in his poo :eek:
all horses on the yard should be wormed at the same time, and new arrivals should be wormed just before arrival.
No matter how well known/friendly you are with the yard manager, the currnet horses there are not going to 'catch' anything from a horse who hasn't recently been wormed (horses carry a continual worm burden, thouhg worming helps to keep this minimal) but as a defence against worm resistance, burdens and the likes, it's a good idea to worm just before you move, and then carry on with the other horses thereafter.




isnt it worse in terms of resistance to worm again so soon after previous worming?


ETA - i'm not saying i was worried about the others 'catching' worms, but that this lady had no idea her horse had quite a heavy burden and this was why he wasn't putting on weight, as he had supposedly been on a good programme.