Mounting Bareback?


New Member
May 3, 2017
I usually pull her alongside this trailer type thing (which she likes to walk away from) or get a leg up. I was able to use a tire once to get my belly on her back and flop my leg over but I don't think there'll be too many tires in random places if i were to fall and I'm not exactly the most graceful or strong person:p So, how do you guys get on bareback? I've seen the 'vaulting' method but id be afraid my leg would touch her on the other side and she'd take off! (she's very sensitive to leg pressure although I'm slowly 'desensitizing' her to it)
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Teach them to line up against a wall, bank or gate.
It makes no difference to me saddled or not as I rarely mount from the ground.
I do not have springy legs, I did trick riding for years and even with youth and speed on my side I could never mount from the ground direct to their back :rolleyes: I have to clamber on something, there's always something to use in not too long of a walk.
I've only once managed to get my heel over Ziggy's back with a vault, and it was ridiculous - I had to hoick myself on inch by inch. I'm just not athletic that way. A gate, fence, tree stump or bank are my favourites.

I would say you could spend some time desensitising her to what happens when you mount bareback, because sometimes feet and ankles do go astray...
The fence. But just as an idea even with a saddled horse I have seen Michael Peace mount without using the stirrup. He uses his hands on the horses back to jump up lying on his tummy across the horse and wriggles further over. He can then swing his right leg over to the right side of the horse and sit up.