Lunging in the Kincade/Pessoa


.Love me, love my horse.
Apr 13, 2005
Down Under ... Australia
Don't wanna start a fight ..

But I have bought the Kincade lunging system, as I want Honey to start relaxing her back and doing some long and low work in the lunge (first phase) ..

I've done it a handful of times now .. but Hon still isn't quite getting the jist of things. I know it all takes time, But I was wondering:

How long until your horse understood what was being asked from this system?Other horses I have used it on got it right away .. I have seen some improvement, nothing drastic yet though.

Thanks :)
How does your horse react to it? Is she sticking her nose up and forward, or curling up behind the contact? What is her back end doing?
Concentrate on getting that active before worrying about the front part, she will want to stretch down if the bum is pushing thro with some purpose. Every time she drops her nose, stretches forward and lifts her shoulders give lots of praise and try not to lift the lunge line (like a lot of people do when they see their horses nose on the floor)
Hmm she is an odd bod.

The thing is ... she is working so beautifuly and active, her hind end really pushing through ... but her head still stays high (also when lunged without the K). We have gotten down so it's at a nice level (about level to her withers) .. and she has put her nose to the floor a few times .. but without the gadget.

She seems to have something almost stopping her from doing it .. She relaxes over poles, but I was hoping to use without poles.

Will give it another go tomorrow.
Have you tried making her slow right down so that she engages her hindquarters rather than her hind legs? If her hindquarters are engaged you will see the 'sit', I'll see if I can find some examples later. This should help more with self carriage than pushing her on and possibly out of her rhythm.

There's also school of thought that says that 'long and low' isn't what we should be doing for long periods but rather as relaxation between exercises for short periods instead.