Livery/grass livery in chester le street area?


New Member
Hi i am in the process of buying a colt who i will be getting when he is weaned in november. I was just wondering if anyone knows of any grass livery or stabled who will take a colt on the yard? As i cannot take him to the yard i am at now..

Thanks x
not many i know of in the area that will take a colt, we always had to keep ours seperate till cut
lol Wally got the same prob as laura:D Same flaming yard:D

Rang the one that Storm is staying on as he staying in the field around the corner to our yard with the rest of his little herd but she cant take anything on as she has enough colts of her own.

Laura just had a thought but again it may not be poss. Ring stewie just up the road from where you live. Tribley Farm (Stewart Storey) see if he has a field or something
Could try Red Rose - they must have facilities for colts as they run a stallion.

Bit further afield but Woodside Farm at Hylton might be a possible as she has stallions/colts of her own
Try Brian Potts yard in Houghton le Spring, they keep the Mares and Geldings in separate fields so may be able to accommodate you.