Little things your horse does that make you smile


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2008
Today I was thinking about the little things that make with my two, so what's yours?

With Petri it's got to be her personality, and although this isn't exactly a good thing but how if I'm about she doesn't want to do what other people tell her and.she just comes to me lol

And Red, well he is so sweet, he does lots of little things, like when I'm grooming him and I get to his face/forelock he lowers his head down, and he will just let me cuddle.into his face with his head down, and when tacking up he opens his mouth ready for the bit, then lowers his.head to let me get it over his ears lol, and for a horse that used to let no one touch his ears that's quite something I think
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I love the fact that Belle is always pleased to see me, she will wait around patiently and apparently quietly until I arrive and then I always get the most enormous whinny of welcome :D
I also love that when I take off her fly mask she will lower her head for a good old head rub and she knows she's not allowed to help herself to one so she just waits for me to offer it. I could go on all day about the things she does that make me smile!
Chloe is such an angel - she loves to clean Storm's feed bowl scraps up at night and in a morning and stands waiting patiently for me to hold it over the door. Her beautiful big cobby head gently brushes against mine as I always bend down to kiss the top of her head. She is such a gentle, kind lovely girl - just about everything she does makes me smile. I only wish we had met sooner - she's 24 and I would love to have played a part in her previous life. Her past owner must have been a lovely lady because Chloe is a reflection - you can tell.

Storm makes me smile when she's in Princess mode like last night - Mr T and I were "ordered" to groom her at the same time. She's just so regal!!!
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Oh I can't count them!

I love it that he opens his mouth for the bit and dips his head for the bridle, I love it that he hangs his willy out for joy when we are clicker training, I love it that when people like the saddler are visiting he stands with his head next to my head and my arm around his neck and brushes his nose against me, and most of all I love his "I've been good Mum, can I have a treat?" whicker whenever he thinks he has been clever.
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I love that he follows me round the field with no head collar just to be with me.
I love that he wickers when he sees me and comes to call
I love that he stands like a rock for me to mount even when im having a nervous Nellie moment
I love that hes made me trust him

I love her attitude. Shes stroppy and opinionated.
I love that she has a fab work ethic and is very talented.
She was my first pony all of my own and I love her just for that
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We always share an apple after a hack, I would never be 'allowed' to forget, as soon as I take her saddle off and put it in the back of my car she start snickering for it and waits very patiently as share.
If I leave my grooming box open, she closes it, if it's closed she lifts the lid with her nose.
When I got her as a rescue she used to almost fall over when I did her feet, now she lifts each one before I get there.
She always has five munches on the grass before I mount, then stands perfectly still for me, never 4 and never 6, always 5!!?!!??
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