Well we had just managed to squeeze Sexy Rexy in before the entrées shut that was 5 weeks ago.. he was semi feral roughed off highland enjoying the last 18 months in my herd being a paddock pet. Then he was the first to move to the new yard. Did one show. yesterday was his biggest show to date county level show….so
He was bathed the day before and rugged. Then early night.
Show morning we arrived early about 8.50 am …. Met up with Jodie n Nicky in the horsebox area Roxy was tied to box munching on his Haynet. I was nervous wreck…Ian made us all cuppas and bacon butties. First time ever as an Owner at a county level show… Jodie got ready they we walked down to our ring there was five in the class including another Highland. I was so proud of Rexy there was so much going on around him… he stood like a trooper strange ponies in the ring in front of him ponies and flags and noise in every direction dogs alsorts. He could have spooked at so much.
we watched a few classes then it was rexy class, jodie took him in I was a nervous wreck and not even showing him, flags at the bottom of the ring noise people. You know what he did a foot perfect show, trotted when asked. Was pulled in 3rd did his individual show foot perfect yet again, he was placed 4th out of 5 in a mixed large breeds 2 & 3year olds class. I even got £20 prize money. so very proud of Rexyb he stepped up and was truly a credit to his breed and a truly county level well mannered youngster. Jodie did a fantastic job showing him to perfection.
You lot know I have owned ponies a long time and shown some cracking ponies over the years with some good results. This was the first time I ever had a pony at County… a whole new step up in the showing world.
I now own a County Level pony
next year I plan to sell him myself. And do many more County shows always let my doubts, fears and confidence get the better of me. Not any more.
Jodie’s son even backed him
was a fabulous day and one of my bucket list.
here’s the piccies

He was bathed the day before and rugged. Then early night.
Show morning we arrived early about 8.50 am …. Met up with Jodie n Nicky in the horsebox area Roxy was tied to box munching on his Haynet. I was nervous wreck…Ian made us all cuppas and bacon butties. First time ever as an Owner at a county level show… Jodie got ready they we walked down to our ring there was five in the class including another Highland. I was so proud of Rexy there was so much going on around him… he stood like a trooper strange ponies in the ring in front of him ponies and flags and noise in every direction dogs alsorts. He could have spooked at so much.
we watched a few classes then it was rexy class, jodie took him in I was a nervous wreck and not even showing him, flags at the bottom of the ring noise people. You know what he did a foot perfect show, trotted when asked. Was pulled in 3rd did his individual show foot perfect yet again, he was placed 4th out of 5 in a mixed large breeds 2 & 3year olds class. I even got £20 prize money. so very proud of Rexyb he stepped up and was truly a credit to his breed and a truly county level well mannered youngster. Jodie did a fantastic job showing him to perfection.
You lot know I have owned ponies a long time and shown some cracking ponies over the years with some good results. This was the first time I ever had a pony at County… a whole new step up in the showing world.
I now own a County Level pony

Jodie’s son even backed him

here’s the piccies

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