Is natural collection possible?

Yep - Dolly does! :D She does it naturally in the field, she rounds up and stands square for me to mount, and unless she's in a strop, she'll walk off in a nice little outline :) She even pops herself into an outline when I'm leading her. It's convenient that her natural way of going is so "correct" :)
yes- sometimes you see it more in specific breeds. Paso Finos tend to be naturally collected and very round.

shandy- i relized after i posted i know as many naturally collected arabs as i do high headed ones- my guess would be they are split down the middle "high headed" and "naturally collected"
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My little Arabian x Holstein filly is naturally collected and she's pretty balanced as well. She's rising 3 this year. I hopped on her for the first ever time on Saturday with just a rope halter and leadrope on, we had a little walk around and she had the most fantastic natural outline.
Mind you, when out with our thoroughbred geldings she's more the high headed arabian!!
Our two young thoroughbreds have learnt to go round and collected just by a soft leg pressure and a very soft but consistent rein pressure.