How often do you sharpen blades?


Active Member
Apr 1, 2008
County Durham
Just curious really how often you all get your clipper blades re-sharpened? A friend loaned me her trimmers a few weeks ago to do Alf's feathers and I'm amazed she still uses them, I'd have been better off hacking away with a butter knife! Thankfully she'd gone in so I just said I'd used them and thanks :giggle:
I've clipped my hairy cob about 3-4 times with my Lister Legends but on the last clip I could tell they needed doing so I've just had them sharpened.

I clipped him tonight and they were much easier to use!

Must be quite uncomfortable using non-sharp blades to clip!
We do a full clip on a hairy or about 2 clips on a TB before sharpening. We have a special set of elderly blades we use for furry legs/hogging cobs which are sharpened about every second use.

If your blades are not sharp it is like using an epilator on your horse....ouch..ouch!