Horse bungee poll

Skyla Rowan

New Member
Dec 30, 2023
Was considering purchasing a bungee cord for my Connie pony. She is very stubborn and although I most definitely don't want to hurt her in the process of gaining a contact, I would like to encourage her to work more round (as at the moment she fights a contact). I would really appreciate hearing peoples views and experiences of the horse bungee polls.
Thank you,
All it's going to do is teach her a new position in which to avoid the contact imo. I've never used one but have seen them used a lot and I think all they do is produce a dropped head and neck while they are on, they do nothing to teach acceptance of the contact or how to engage and become round throughout the body.

Have you had her and her tack checked over to make sure there's no reason why she won't accept a contact?
Are you working with an instructor. Gadgets are not necessarily the answer if you are not asking the horse correctly. An experienced instructor will be able to assess your riding and give advice on getting better contact. That should be first port of call before reaching for gadgets. Adding gadgets if you are not experienced or using incorrectly could result in unwanted behaviours.
I hacked a Connie for years with contact in walk and trot but little or no contact in canter. She cantered with her head low and on a longish rein. I bought safety stirrups, didnt worry if my weight went into them and let her run.
She was never rounded. I dont think she or I understood the jargon. She sped along on a thought from me and remains my best loved horse ever. If I ever get the chance to own a horse, I would look for one like her.
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If they fight your contact your hands are doing too much talking and your legs not enough.
Get them going forward and then take up the slack that they offer you.
I love watching very experienced and very good riders get on ‘stubborn’ horses. They generally get the horse to work to the best of their ability and more often than not will get some kind of contact if they ask for it. I think that much of this comes down to rider skill. A skilled rider can tell the horse what they need and expect, and the horse will understand and comply. And to the observer it looks like they are doing nothing at all.

I have never used a bungee cord and don’t see the point in them. I would advise getting a good instructor/trainer to help your horse understand and accept the contact from you. You may have to improve/ change your riding style to do this.
I agree with @Mary Poppins , my RI can get on a giraffe and turn it into a dressage horse through her seat and legs alone. Don't use gadgets, they cannot replace your own skill as a rider. If you can't get your horse to accept your contact, get help from a good local RI who will come to you and watch you working together. It took literally years for me to get my first pony reasonably rounded and he never really got it!