Help, my horse's skin is turning white around his eyes


New Member
Dec 28, 1999
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My QH gelding is 8 or 9 years old and I noticed this winter that the skin around his eyes was turning white, There was no swelling or anything, and he seems fine, but then again, Buster is a strange horse, doesn't bat an eye at a tractor back fireing but is afraid of the water troth after it spent some time in hibernation. He's always been a bit of a spook, but he seems to see fine, he jumps, he doesn't run into things even if he's in a new area. I took some pictures today with the digital camera, the skin around his eyes was totaly black since I've had him and I got him when he was 2 so this is a recent thing and it's come on pritty fast. here are 2 pictures: and . I've only been home from college a week so I can't tell if it's still getting worse or not, only that it's worse since the last time I saw it. Does anyone know what causes this, what it means, or if I should be worried or not? hopefuly the pictues I'm trying to attach come out so that you can look and see for yourself.

From your description I thought he might be greying (grey horses are born solid colors like chestnut). However from the pictures it seems to be some kind of hair loss/skin problem or scarring. The area most affected appears to be in the tear duct area, that is something else to consider. You mention it cropped up after witner, is he pastured year round? It looks a little bit like frostbite. Is that a possibility?

I'm sorry, but I can't really help you. The best thing to do is get your vet to look at it. Is he due for shots soon? That could help defray cost of special visit if he's not uncomfortable or having any visual problems. You don't want to wait too long in case it is a symptom of something more serious.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

~ KE
It looks to me like Vitiligo (I think that is how it is spelt).

I had an iron grey mare that developed this at about 7 years old. It is shifting pigment in the skin, do the patches seem to move around. My mare developed them around her eyes and nose, although hers were pink. I found that they moved but the actual area was always about the same i.e. average area didn't change.

It doesn't bother them at all, (except you have to watch for sunburn).

There is nothing you can do about it. My mare is still going strong at 18, although I longer own her.

I would get it checked by the vet to make sure though just in case it is something else.

Thanks, your advide gives me somewhere to start asking questions of the vet. I posted on another board and didn't get much advice. He is pastured year around, something that has it's pluses and negatives I guess. H hates it when I bring him in, and my parents have been taking care of him and his pasture mate Buzzy. She looks fine, it was just him that started having this. I have the vet comeing Thursday to give shots to I'll talk to her then, thanks again.