Happy Birthday Fleurette


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2003
I will never forget the shock you gave me when we found a wobbly foal 2 years ago.

Given you are now a 15hh bratkins, I think on balance I preferred the wobbly foal.

Happy Birthday from me and your mummy Suze. You are a lucky girl, still with your mum.
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Can't believe it's been 2 years - I remember reading your first post about her. give her a hug from her auntie in Canada (and one for Suze too).
Oh sweetheart!

Don't they go through weird shapes as they grow up? She is so short coupled at the moment - level but just really short! Bless.
Fleurette is still doing her exercises and learning a little more including rearing. We had a full blown tantrum earlier in the week, a mulish face of I won't, then if you insist I will really tell you I won't, and if you continue to insist I will boot you. So she got soundly chased out of my space and made to go on circles at a trot till she showed a happy face and then she was allowed to stop. She is a right chestnut madam....I wish I could find someone for her as I am doubting that she is going to be big enough for me as she is so much lighter than Suze.
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balto4.jpg balto2.jpg balto3.jpg balto1.jpg I saw pictures of her brother, Balto, at 3 years old, he is quite light and I think she may be like him.

Very depressing to see him backed at just 3 and in draw reins.
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Fleurette is coming on. Slowly I am getting a bit more of a relationship with her, she worked very well yesterday with her trainer and me, she bucked, reared, bit, stamped, chased, generally had a tantrum BUT she came out the other side and did some very nice circles and very nice leading. So I have to work on my consistency, standing my ground, not stepping back, she must do the moving and yielding, and being very careful to pull her up when she makes faces and threatens me - she is getting very good at backing up rapidly! On the plus side, she is much more responsive, if you move her quarters she moves them, if you move her shoulders she does it, and she is very light so we are getting there. She is still a bit of a brat, but we have some nice moments of relaxing with her and telling her she is a good girl.

She is a challenge, as she goes right up and you have to watch she doesn't boot you. But when she is letting rip, my job is to be calm, ignore, be very very quiet with energy down, and just keep correcting her and keep her out of my space till she has decided enough and is ready to work again. I say work, we are doing baby sessions of 10-15 minutes - if she behaves it can be 5 minutes, if she is rebellious is can be 20 minutes, she is slowly learning that misbehaving extends her training rather than shortens it.

I am almost getting to the stage where I like working with her as not so afraid of her. Tried to upload pictures but file is too large no idea why, same pictures as always uploaded but since the revamp can't load them
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