haha fun lesson


Child at Heart
Oct 16, 2004
Dumfries, Scotland
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I had my second lesson up here in Scotland yesterday (and first ever with another rider too). It was great fun! I had Smudge, a 5 year old piebald (my favourite colour!!). Before I got on, the instructor told me he was only 5, but was sensible for his age and knew alot. (all the horses get used for RDA). We walked towards the school but he didnt want to go in! They do hacks through the forest which is past the school so he was quite happy to just go past it! Once we were in he was fine though.
I didnt have the instructor last week as she was ill, so first off we had a walk and trot round on both reins 'to see what we were like'. (seperate all the time, I went then the other girl went, then back to me) Smudge was so easy to get into trot, makes a change for the school horses I am used to where nothing makes them move faster than walk! So, we took turns to trot, did circles, figure-8's and changed the rein a few times (in trot!! I was knackered!!) then it was time to canter! (still seperate turns) woohoo! Now, last time I cantered I had a not-so-nice conversation with the floor, so I wanted to do it again and stay on this time! We had 2 canters on each rein, and Smudge was FAST! and quite bumpy too, but I guess thats just his age and getting in balance. I mentioned to the instructor about how I keep losing my stirrups in canter (had them shorter this time so it didnt happen this time!) and that my heel just wont stay down, and she said lots of no stirrup work would help, so we had 5 mins of that! I've only done no stirrups once, and not for that long either, so she said just walk round for a little while to get used to the movement, then we tried trotting. So, the plan was to start at H, trot to the next letter then back to walk before hitting the far corner. What happened was, we got about 2 strides of trot, into canter (still no stirrups!!) and round to the top of the other long side! never even thought about cantering with no stirrups before, let alone attempted it, but it was certainly an experience!!! I was concentrating so hard on staying on I think I sent the poor lad mixed signals! I was gripping with my legs and trying to stop him with the reins so it took a while for him to give up! We had a few extra strides of trot, then down to walk. Stopped at C and instructor said well done, you can have your stirrups back now! She said once I know I can stay on like that, it would help with my confidence in 'conventional' canter!
So all in all, a very fun lesson. I have another lesson next saturday with a visiting instructor called Justine, so we shall see how we go then!
Riah :D
I was worried about his age, but he did seem to know a fair bit (even from my non-experienced perspective!!). None of his gaits felt odd from my point of view, just a bit fast! I wonder if I will have him next week! :) Its certainly done a fair bit for my confidence though!