Gelding at 3?


Active Member
Mar 5, 2006
West Sussex
Would you? The shetland pony in question had a mishap last year and sired a colt, this year has run with two mares all summer. He has a sweet way about him, but has had very little handling.
Is it to late for him to loose his stallion brain?

Mine wasn't gelded until he was over three,it did take nearly twelve months for him to lose most of his interest in the girls but then was fine.
My loan horse Mattie was not gelded until he was 6 (he was an Arab racehorse in France before and they keep them entire).

He is 11 now and still prances, arches his neck and paws the ground to show off, and rears a lot in play with my other gelding, but he has no other stallion-like behaviour at all and is in fact very very meek.
Not at all, my stallion was gelded at 14, there is a riding club here who have a load of kiddies riding Shetlands, a lot of which are gelded stallions.
Bandit was gelded at 3 as he was *cough cough* a late developer! Vet said it was fine to leave him. He has no stallion tendancies at all now, although he is still touchy about me going around the area - I think he remembers or atleast harbours a grudge. lol
Frances' Horse was used for stud and was gelded late, he's not at all stalliony.
Whisper was gelded at 7 and he's lovely to handle and only shows slight stallion tendancies when we lead other geldings through his field to get to the next field. Even then he just tosses his head about and herds "his" mares away from the other geldings!