Finally! A video of me riding Jazz!


Jun 3, 2002
Auckland, New Zealand
I've been desperate to show you all how well she is going! This was taken this morning, but I've had a heck of a time uploading it! My flatmate used up all our broadband allowance playing computer games so we're down to dial up speed until the 15th! Then saying it was going to take 37 hours to upload from Quicktime, I videoed it on my mobile phone from the computer screen and uploaded it from there! Excuse background splashing, music and teenagers yelling, my neighbours are taunting us all with the pool as the weather is finally behaving like summer!

The video is from the camera perched on a barrel, so we go out of shot sometimes.

Anyway, after all this, PLEASE have a look and reply. The first video is short as we went out of frame for a bit and the second video is about 1.5 minutes. Walk trot AND canter both reins. Keep in mind she was only backed last year and we have only been working consistently since late November. On the whole, I'm so bloody proud of my wee girl!

I will add this to her diary too. :)
Today was the first day with absolutely no spooks, spurts in speed or napping. She feels much quicker than she really is, so it's so valuable for me to see this video. :)

Her canter is gorgeous to ride. :D