Does anyone else's horse have....


New Member
Sep 9, 2006
Deep clenches in their hooves?
Was picking out Diamonds (new loan! :D) feet today and noticed them:


Could it be anything environmental, or is it just natural for some horses to get them?
Sorry never seen anything like it before!!! :eek:
They look most normal shod feet. Shod feet tend to be deeper and less spread than barefeet and therefore the sulcus' are deeper. And some horses just have very deep feet.

Her feet look otherwise good with a decent sized frog, although they look a little long and needing re-shod soonish
Yup, she's getting shod on Friday I think!
Thanks for that, I've just never noticed it before on other horses :)
Me being a bit dim :eek: , then again, it is 10.45 - brain shutting down now!