Desperate urgent healing vibes please

Kis Vihar

Nutty Saddlers !
My dear little Rio pony has broken a hind leg. :( We have no idea how. :(

We are waiting for the country's top x-ray and equine bone-breakage specialist to arrive from the national Equine hospital.

PLEASE pray to whoever/whatever you believe in that he can be saved and send all the healing vibes you can.

(Please, no 'why are you on here when the pony has a broken leg' comments...I can't go outside where Rio is, because when he sees me, he tries to move and come to me, and the vet said he must stay completely still - which he is - so I am watching him from the office window. Paul is with him now.)

I am in pieces. :(
Oh KV, I am so sorry to read this...

HUGE positive vibes winging their way to you xxxXXXxxx

And of COURSE we won't judge you for being on here... at times like these we need our friends for support and I live fairly remotely too and NEED my pooter for contact! {{{Hugs}}}
Thanks. :)

The waiting is killing me. :( Vet just called, he's on his way. (Proper expert vet, I won't even begin to say how much he's charging... only the very rich out here can afford him. :eek:)

I am tearing my hair out. I'm trying to keep busy. I want to go see my little chap but I don't want him to move. :( I just have to watch him & Paul out of the window. :(
Healing vibes and virtual hugs coming your way KV.

I do hope everything is ok the poor wee soul, I can't begin to imagine how you are feeling just now. I'll be thinking of you all and keeping my fingers crossed.
Praying like mad for you both !!!!!!!!!!
I was upset to hear my arab filly had been chased into a gate and had a torn ergot so I can't begin to imagine how you are feeling just now.
I will be thinking of you.
Keep us posted when you have the chance. Good luck.
Thinking of you all KV - best of luck for when the vet gets there & hope horsey can be patched up & mended.

PS Nobody on here would thinking anythign of the sort - we're all here to offer our support & nothing else x
oh my gosh - I can't even begin to imagine how you must be feeling right now. As many healing vibes as I can possible send are on their way!!!
It's a horrible situation so *hugs* for your distress and shock and lots of healing wishes for your Rio. Miracles do happen and I hope this can be one of them.