Coffin joint arthritis and wedge pads


Equine Dental Technician
Jul 26, 2007

Does anyone have a horse with coffin joint arthritis who has used wedge pads to help alleviate it (in a horse with collapsed heels and flat feet and too much toe in front of axis, not enough behind so high pressure on the heels. He's shod beyond the heel to spread the pressure)

He's only slightly lame.

I'm looking for anyone who's used/using wedge pads and why they're using them.

I'm not looking for them to be a long term thing as i don't agree that it would do his tendons/ligaments any good..kind of like wearing high heels all them time and then the tendons contracting i guess?! Only had them put on today so not sure if they'll work or not. It was under the instruction of my farrier and vet who liaised over how he should be shod from his x rays.

Thanks :D

Tyler was started on natural balance shoes and silicone mesh wedges, then mustad pads due to a fat pedal bone and the beginnings of sidebone.

I noticed a massive difference, not only to his lameness (which nearly disappeared 0 he will always be just about 1/10ths lame), but also my farrier bills!!!

I was advised to use them for 3-4 shoeings then remove the wedges, but keep the NB soes on.
my mac wore heal wedges for a year to correct a low heal caused due to poor foot care before i got them, i always described them as his high heals, we no longer have them, it only cost me an extra 5 pound a month to have them on.