Cheer me up

Mary Poppins

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2004
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I'm feeling down at the moment and haven't had much sleep. It's nothing major and not related to my horse or family, but at the moment I'm stuck at work trying really hard to get something done but not doing very well. I need something to make me laugh or smile. Any ideas?
Can't offer much inspiration I'm afraid, but I did laugh at this joke my 13yr old son told me last night:

What's blue and smells like red paint?


Blue paint!

On the work front I'd be asking for help if it was me...
Sorry to hear work is not going well - echo Calluna and ask for help!

Cheery up wise - well, I just remember the delish smell of our two and that keeps me going....

Jokes wise the only one I know is:

"Why didn't the viper wipe her nose"?

"Because the adder 'ad 'er 'ankerchief"!!!
(I know - really weak.....)
I will tell these to my little boy tonight. He always laughs at jokes - even if he doesn't get him or they are not funny. He is very infectious and always cheers me up.

I'm feeling really down today but it's not worth the effort of typing whats wrong. Sometimes things just don't work out how you want them to.

I am looking forward to seeing my lovely boys and then riding Ben this evening. Hopefully the rain might stop for an hour or so. I will ride anyway but would prefer it if I didn't get soaked!
I am not very good at light hearted cheering up I am afraid. Good job you can sneak on here though whilst at work. Hopefully not much longer for you to go now before you can see your horse and kids:smile:

When I worked in an office many moons ago my friend and I used to cheer on another up by talking about people, not in a malicious way, we just used to giggle about people, we liked them all but it was so funny sometimes, two girls working in a drawing office full of men, it was so funny sometimes. One guy had this thing about 'dog pooh' to the point of the extreme so friend and I acquired a fake one and put it by his desk one day, he went ape shit and never found out it was us, poor sod, everyone else knew including the shop floor of about 100 guys, it was just so funny. We didn't dislike him, he is still a friend after, ow must be 25 years know.
I am looking forward to seeing my lovely boys and then riding Ben this evening. Hopefully the rain might stop for an hour or so. I will ride anyway but would prefer it if I didn't get soaked!

I love how sometimes when I'm riding I start off in the worse mood ever and it's pouring down with rain. But by the time I'm getting off the sun has come out and my horse being fab has really cheered me up. I know its just a weird coincidence but it makes me smile
What's the difference between a drum and a cuddle?

You can beat a drum, but you can't beat a cuddle!!!! (Cue big bear hug and much hilarity!)

Big hugs MP, I'm positive your boys and Ben will put a smile on your face :biggrin: <--- like that!
Here y'are xx

I have another one!!!

Today, my OH went out of the house, so I hid behind the door from the porch to the house and on his way back in I jumped out and went "raaaaaarrrrrr". I swear he :poop: himself!

one of these days I will start acting like an adult.......
If you had 10 chocolate cakes, and someone asked you for two, how many would you have left??


Okay, if someone took two cakes, how many would you have left?

10 and 1 dead body!
If you really want a laugh I could tell you what Frances' OH did with the tree seedlings I gave her to give to him..................
Sadly, it was very funny.....

I was on the phone to my mother (and you never talk to anyone else apart from my mum, when on the phone, as she gets rather tetchy).....

So my mum has been talking at me for 30 mins when OH walks into the kitchen. I stupidly hand him the bag with the tree saplings thinking he would know what they were, whilst being talked at by my mother on th ephone.

For some reason, he tore off the leaves and started to eat them while I was gesticulating madly to stop him. So he went on eating the leaves off these poor tree saplings.....

In the end I had to stop my mother mid-yack to tell OH to "stop eating the trees".

Good friend of mine Angus is not the brightest fell asleep in the sun and just had his shorts on. Of course he woke up and all his body was burned especially his legs. He went to the doctor for help and get some cream but the doctor prescribed viagra. Viagra said Angus why Viagra what will that do for my bloody sun burn, the doctor replied it will keep the sheets of your legs.