Can't sit to the canter


New Member
May 7, 2006
I've started learning the canter but cannot get the rythem of it i'm trying 2 keep my leg on and steer and stay on, I bounce all over the place even tho i hold on certain horses. I'm ok on the straight kind of but not on the corners do you think i should go on the lunge for a lesson??
Yeah that might help. Also try doing some work without stirrup's as that help's you to sit deeper in your seat and should hopefully help you get the hang of cantering.
do you mean work without stirrups in canter or just in trot and walk?? I've done stirupless in walk and sitting trot but neva canter im 2 scared to lol!! i dnt no wether i'd fall or sit betta.????:confused: :confused:
thanks for that link horses4eva888 i will put some of the tips into practice 2moro in my lesson. I will probs ask about a lunge lesson! :D
I did it :):) I did some stirupless work in walk and trot then sum canter with stirrups although only got like 3 strides it was realli good
I you're a bit of a novice, you are probably riding a bit stiff, after all, there's a lot to think about all at once. Don't worry, after a while you will learn to relax more. Don't try to push your heels down, just your wieght needs to sink into your heel. If you push the heel down, you will tense your leg and therefore be gripping upwards. Try to soften your pelvis, this will help.
in the same rythm as the horses canter i used to say "swing, swing, swing, swing..." and swing my hips with the horses movement.:D cantering without stirrups helped me once i was reasonably balanced as well!!! now ill even jump without stirrups:D (can u tell im a bit mad!!!):D
does anyone think i shud do a lunge lesson??

im no good on corners i almost slide off do you think i will on the lunge coz i will be going round in circles or stick to cantering on straights until i get more confidence?
Hi Jeni

Keep at it. I did my first 'real' canter today and thoroughly loved it. I've been on such a high all day. Dear husband has how about enough of it. I am sure that if he closed his eyes and jumped on a horse he would just be able to recite all my lessons and be a natural! :D

With regards to the cantering and corners etc, my RI told me....soft hips, lean back, relax with the legs and just concentrate on the inside rein for steering. She did however do quite a bit of sitting trot, two strides of canter, sitting trot before she let me at it :cool: LURRRRRRRRRRVVVVVVVVVVVINGGGGGGGGGGG CANTER.
Something to try is to canter with the reins in one hand, and hold on to the pommel with the other hand and pull yourself into the saddle. Best done on the lunge considering you've said you're unbalanced around corners etc at the moment.