Cancelling insurance

chunky monkey

Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
Sadly i think time has come to let the boys go. It is a very tough decision but Chunkys deterioration in the leg is very evident now.
Having never been in this position before im not sure how it works. Need to get my head round things. Got to make a call to the knackerman to find out disposal costs for the 2.
Ive got quite a bit of kit from the boys most of which isnt covered on there horse policies but is probably under the home insurance. But there saddles are specified on the horses policy along with some tack as they were quite expensive.
Im hoping to get another horse eventually and hope that at least one of the saddles and tack will fit. The policy is only half way through the year. So when i notify the insurance will i be able cancel the veterinary and just leave the tack insured with them for the rest of this years policy. Or do i cancel the tack as well? Its being paid monthly and whilst theres not much veterinary on Chunky given his age. Billy still has full vet cover. Would i still have to pay vet fee for the rest of the years policy, 5-6 months worth or would the vet part of the policy normal just be cancelled. Guessing a policy alteration would incure fees.
I have no idea about the insurance but wanted to say how very sorry I am that you are having to make this decision. Hugs to you and the horses x
I'm sorry 😞

Last year when I thought robin would be pts with hocks I cancelled his insurance. I just emailed and they cancelled from that point and I was paying monthly. Not sure about the tack through
I’m so sorry 😞

Personally I’d probably check the home insurance single item limit, if it’s £1000 that probably covers a saddle, though you may need to add it as a named item. Then I’d cancel the horse insurance completely.
I'm so sorry @chunky monkey . I'd ring the insurance company in advance and ask, from memory I think I kept my tack on but cancelled everything else and I don't think there was much, if any, charge. In fact that may have been why they advised keeping tack on, it meant the policy was amended not cancelled.
Ive just advised my insurance of the loss of the horses and asked them how we proceed. My policy actually expires at the end of November. They are going to refund me the horse part of the insurance. They will keep the tack and my rider insurance on till the end of the policy. But after that it will be cancelled unless i find a new horse before the end of my policy, which is unlikely. They wont do a new policy from December to cover me and just the tack without a horse being on the policy.

I have asked them if tack would be covered under our farm or the seperate household insurance. Although those policies are in my mums name not mine. I also said that the tack room is used jointly for storage of farm equipment and supplies so may have some bearing. They are looking into that.

So the way i see it i need to find a rider policy to cover me whilst trying horses and incase i hack out on friends horses or have lessons.
And possibly a policy that covers all my tack in the event my current insurance provider wont cover under my mums household or farm policies.
Any ideas on who i go to for quotes please??????
In my experience, the tack won't be covered - years ago when on a yard we were cleaned out (mine was separately insured) and the owners daughter lost all of her tack and the insurance refused to cover it on either the horse or the farm policy because the policies were in mum's name and the tack in daughters.
Im wondering if there is some kind of garage/lockup or a hobbist insurance available.

The tack has been a grey area. Because when i asked previously about the harnesses and carriage going on the policy. The harnesses comes under general tack. Whilst i had the saddles specified as i brought new. The rest of the tack they will only cover up to a value of £500. I have way more than that value in the shed. The carriage isnt covered as its not made by a specific maker. More something a gypo made up. If i got cleared out with all the current content youd be looking at a substantial loss. Plus theres all the rugs, jumps etc.
As the household and farm policies arent in my name im not sure my stuff would be covered.
There must be some kind of hobbist insurance available. Lots of people have lockups for doing personal car renovations etc.
So sorry that the time has come. I am rather out of date about insurance, but I would have thought your items could be included on your mother’s policy, but would need to be specified items in your ownership.
I tended to think that tack and/or trailer insurance were add ons to an existing horse policy.
If you didn't have that cover that it would usually be covered in the house contents. You would need to add on individual items and probably provide receipts for the initial cost.

Are you planning on doing any driving if you got something else? Maybe you could have a good sort through of what you have and decide what you want to insure, keep etc.
I tended to think that tack and/or trailer insurance were add ons to an existing horse policy.
If you didn't have that cover that it would usually be covered in the house contents. You would need to add on individual items and probably provide receipts for the initial cost.
They're covered on your own house insurance, not the insurance for the place they are at, regardless of if you also live there (and therefore don't have your own policy) but policy owner and item owner need to be the same.

Im wondering if there is some kind of garage/lockup or a hobbist insurance available.

The tack has been a grey area. Because when i asked previously about the harnesses and carriage going on the policy. The harnesses comes under general tack. Whilst i had the saddles specified as i brought new. The rest of the tack they will only cover up to a value of £500. I have way more than that value in the shed. The carriage isnt covered as its not made by a specific maker. More something a gypo made up. If i got cleared out with all the current content youd be looking at a substantial loss. Plus theres all the rugs, jumps etc.
As the household and farm policies arent in my name im not sure my stuff would be covered.
There must be some kind of hobbist insurance available. Lots of people have lockups for doing personal car renovations etc.
Most horse insurance will only cover a % of rugs price up to 3 years old, after that they are considered worn out and of no value, same with many other bits and bobs - I only found that gem out when I claimed for my entire tack room having been cleared out and they wouldn't cover half of it. They also only cover anything with a receipt! I would think you could take out contents insurance on any building (you are effectively a tennant), as long as the locks etc. meet the standards.
They're covered on your own house insurance, not the insurance for the place they are at, regardless of if you also live there (and therefore don't have your own policy) but policy owner and item owner need to be the same.

Most horse insurance will only cover a % of rugs price up to 3 years old, after that they are considered worn out and of no value, same with many other bits and bobs - I only found that gem out when I claimed for my entire tack room having been cleared out and they wouldn't cover half of it. They also only cover anything with a receipt! I would think you could take out contents insurance on any building (you are effectively a tennant), as long as the locks etc. meet the standards.
For some insurance they class over two years as depreciated.
I don't cover tack, most if not all of my stuff is over five years old now.
They're covered on your own house insurance, not the insurance for the place they are at, regardless of if you also live there (and therefore don't have your own policy) but policy owner and item owner need to be the same.

Most horse insurance will only cover a % of rugs price up to 3 years old, after that they are considered worn out and of no value, same with many other bits and bobs - I only found that gem out when I claimed for my entire tack room having been cleared out and they wouldn't cover half of it. They also only cover anything with a receipt! I would think you could take out contents insurance on any building (you are effectively a tennant), as long as the locks etc. meet the standards.
I think that will rule out everything in the tack room. I dont think i brought anything new for at least 4 years.
Its a ridiculous situation really as its all useable thats why im keeping it to use in the future. When you add it all up all the tack/rugs/jumps etc it would cost somewhere in the region of £4000+ to replace. But as its old its not covered.

There have been yards totally cleared out round here thats why im keen to cover it.

Both my saddles are specified on my current policy. I brought them from new and they cost a fair bit back then. Both are over 8 years old now.
Im hoping that at least one can be reused for another horse. They are both adjustable. Neither may fit but i feel its worth holding onto them for now to at least try on another horse given the cost of new saddles. I know you get sod all selling them back to the saddler. Id effectively be throwing £2000 in the bin.

Youve all made valid points. Thanks.

Ill look at the BHS rider insurance.
BHS insurance is insurance of last resort. Mainly 3rd party. Objects you own may well be covered against fire and theft and maybe flood by your home and household insurance, or could be added to it.
My insurance company have been back in touch with me today and they have hopefully sorted me, once the policy expires. I shall await the paperwork to confirm but i will have the existing tack covered and have a rider policy.

I did ask if they cover tack older than 3 years. They said they do. The saddles will still be specified as currently.