Calming a gelding


New Member
Jun 18, 2005
My gelding is turned out with two mares and becomes very stressed in the stable if either of "his" mares are taken out of sight. Can anyone recommend any supplements that might help calm him, I have seen global herbs rig calm, has anyone used this?
Falcon didn't used to like it but is ok now. Regarding calming supplements, I would have a word with your vet about this or, feed merchants as some of them stock the supplements.
We use Rigcalm, and are very pleased with it - it has meant our boy can be kept with mares, I watched him resist some fairly persistent advances this morning! It doesn't seem to have calmed him in other ways, we didn't want him to be *too* laid back, I'd definitely recomend giving it a try

Not sure if it would help but you could also try putting some lavender oil in his stable. I use Euacalyptus oil I mix it with water and spray it on his bed. Lavender is meant to be soothing and calming, it helps with people and babies so might help with him and his stable will smell good too.