Anyone Familiar With Their Local RDA?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2008
Do they use bareback pads? Do they use the Little Joe model pictured below?

There are loads of groups out there in the UK. I know one centre uses Torsion saddles because they got in touch with me. That saddle was gifted to them and if I can find another centre, I will do the same.

I have emailed but sometimes those get lost amongst the many.

I don't know what our local rda use but I try to support any events they have on, but my friends mum is a fundraiser for one slightly further away so I could ask her, I know they had all their tack stolen before xmas so they have probably had a rethink on what they buy.
My mums been an RDA volunteer, twice weekly, for 15 years (go her!)

But sadly they have to use saddle with stirrup irons at all times for insurance purposes. I hope you find a home for this pad :)
Whats RDA
I googled it and got lots of things but nothing horsey.:(
and thank got nothing really scary!!:eek:
It stands for Riding For The Disabled Association.
There is something similar in the States where I know these pads get used as therapy.
Obviously shipping it back out is a no go. It would just cost too much.
I do like it, it's just time to get something else. It's not been used all winter which was why I bought it.
I volunteer for RDA. I don't know if it varies from group to group but generally our kids are too wobbly for a bareback pad to be safe. I'd be surprised if that was not the case most places as insurance must be a big issue.
My brother has ridden with an RDA for nearly 10 years now and I go along as much as I can to their lessons and shows and I've never seen them use one of these. I've never seen any at my local one either. I'm sure they would be very grateful of the offer as they always usually are but I'm not sure that legally they will be able to use it as with the insurance issues mentioned above :(
I haven't heard a thing from them. Therefore I will sell it and donate the money somewhere.
One of the local RDA's here use treed saddles. Another one uses a mixture of treed saddles and sheepskins with rollers, depending on what the riders needs are (some riders have too high muscle tone to be able to stretch there hips wide enough to straddle a saddle) I think they may have used a bare back pad from time to time.