2 weeks until normality.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2012
Horses are on the back burner currently but all that will change in a couple of weeks and I cannot wait to be back in the saddle!! I've not ridden much the last month or so.

In 2 weeks exams will all be over and I'll of hopefully completed my long walk to Brighton. Both of these have taken over every second of spare time. Can't believe I've almost finished my first year of university!

I'm not complaining but just cannot wait to get back riding again.
It been like that for me, whist I was lambing. Horses were on the back burner and I was definately missing my riding. Felt I was neglecting chunky. He looked like he was seizing up with no work. I was getting worried I might have to retire.
Last week I turned the cows out onto the conservation land so I'm now no longer feeding them. One extra hour every day now free to play horses so I've used the time to drive chunky. Thankfully he did a lovely drive with me yesterday and today one of the girls rode him and he was trotting elegantly at the side of me on Billy. His rider said she wasn't having to work him too hard to keep him in the trot either so I'm mega happy.
Most of the sheep are now out at good grass so going to check them and give a token feed is easier. Just a few left a home with lambs and one to lamb. So they are on twice a day feed, hay and water to be done. So it's all effort, lifting and takes time but in a couple of weeks they'll be on good grass too.
This last week I've been able to get up and have an early morning hack each day but it's been a quick one. It's some what rushed as I have to be back to do the sheep. And have to get finished to go to work. But when I dont have the sheep to do in the morning. I will be able to do a more relaxing ride. Yay.