Yard Weigh-in....


Retired cob mum
Jul 31, 2005
We had the Allen & Page rep and her weighing machine at the yard this morning. I've always guesstimated Jack's weight to be around 600kg in winter and 650 in summer. Today I said to Dom that I reckoned he'd be within 575 and 625.

Jill had fatboy Albi weighed too. Although in fairness he's dropped a fair bit since he has been in more regular work with her so I only have myself to blame. But I call him The Dustbin!! I initially guessed 525, erring on the side of hopefulness :p, but then dropped to 513 when Dom said "There's no way he's over 500kg"

Actual results:

Jack: 602 (Boom! :cool:)
Albi: 567..... oops! :oops:

Jack is borderline normal/underweight - no ribs, hips showing or spinal protrusion though so I'm happy with him for the time of year. We're only a couple on months from spring and he is coming in at night now which will help.

I suggested upping Albi's speed at work, introducing "interval training". He's heading I n the right direction anyway.

Interesting though.
I had them in the autumn and she was meant to come back our in Thursday but the snow put a stop to that.

They are coming on the 7th.

I think it is really hard to hues their weight. I always go by eye
I've had flipo weighed properly three times so far. Day one at the vets he was 774kg. He stayed there overnight, came home the next day, was home four days and then went back to the vet. Five days after 774kg, he'd dropped to 750kg. Scary how quickly he dropped.
We went back four weeks ago and he was 746kg. I'd like him in the region of 700kg coming out of winter, difficult when he's in on boxrest and I'm having to feed for his amusement but I'm so glad he's not putting on and is looking good right now, I can feel ribs, which is new for flipo!
He's getting weighed again in four weeks when he's back to the vets so Guesses on a postcard for what he'll be now!
We went to a weigh in clinic a couple of years back and my mate thought her Arab was about 450, I though 750 for flipo. I was all but spot on, friend got a shock when he was 100kgs more. Just goes to show. Has albi got hollow legs?!
I think its so worth getting them weighed at least once to calibrate your eyes for the individual, when you think how albi has probably been underdosed on wormers and other meds because he carries it well ;) Jess is one who weighs more than she looks, the vets have underdosed her on drugs (sedation and the like) a few times because of it and then had to go back and top her up, I underdosed her on wormers for years before I knew.
When mine was weighed properly she was only 5kg different to my tape.
The tape is just a guide I realise but if your guide gains weight is still useful.

I told the vet her feathers were very heavy. :D Apparently the tb before her had a heavy tail.
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