when riding with excercise sheet do u need numnah?




I am getting a flourescent exercise sheet so we are more visible on the roads.
I use a polypad under my saddle and this may be a stupid question but do you use a numnah with an excercise sheet or not, and if so do you put on top of the sheet or below?!:)

When using my exericse sheet with my Polypad, I put the Polypad underneath the sheet but then fold the corners of the exercise sheet back so that they sit under the girth straps. This stops the whole lot slipping backwards.
I put my anit slip pad on top of the sheet. I also use it under my harness when driving
I put two exercise rugs on my delicate little flowers (!!!) and then a saddlecloth and a sheepskin nummnah.....

I don't think the order matters on under saddle rugs but do fold them back under the girth straps or they slip.

JJ. :)