
I use them:)

Mostly as a just in case measure, we have some fairly steep hills around here and I sometimes have to mount from the ground, so it just give the saddle some extra stability:)
I used one with my previous saddle when jumping more seriously, or when we were having stability issues due to not being able to find a saddle or alter one to stay fitting. On cross country in particular, I was planning to use one in the future more often as we were covering larger fences and longer courses; should anything fluke happen with your girth or billets for example, a good breastplate should stabilise the saddle temporarily long enough for you to slow, stop and jump off to retire without accident first. Now thats a very rare occurance - but it's just a safety precaution.

I certainly wouldn't say you should NEED a breastplate for flat or hacking work in terms of stability whilst actually riding - if you do I would have a saddler check the saddle to ensure it's fitting as it shouldn't really shift that easily...

Certainly no harm in them when adjusted correctly, and can be a very good piece of safety equipment =]
I have just ordered one.

I jump a lot and as the fences get higher the saddle slips a little bit. Not a huge amount but I don't like it.

And my horse is a known rearer and I have a fear that he will rear up and my saddle will slip down and freak him out! :eek:
I use one for a few reasons. My place is has a lot of hills... some very steep. Breast collar adds that little bit of safety to a ride. Really like the one Sensation saddlery makes... pain in the backside to set up but once you have it adjusted,, is a snap to put on and off your saddle.
I used to use one on my cob for some extra stability with his GP saddle. That breastplate has now been comendeered for my youngster. we use it on him to keep the saddle as still as possible incase he prats about and also whilst we have someone leaning on him (he's being backed just now). Mine is a barnsby freeflow one. very expensive but absolutely lovely!
I have a cheap hunter one (kincade) - for extra stability and also because I use a martingale and prefer having it with a breastplate than without.
I reaaly want a 5 point one just cos they so smart when all tacked up:eek:

Dont need one though as my saddle fits like a glove and I dont jump often enough. I might get one though one day for special occasions:rolleyes:
I reaaly want a 5 point one just cos they so smart when all tacked up:eek:

Dont need one though as my saddle fits like a glove and I dont jump often enough. I might get one though one day for special occasions:rolleyes:

thats what im like, im trying to think of a reason to justify spending all that money!

i really want a deavoux (sp?) one, they are so smart ! :)
I know the one:eek: pricey but gorgeous:)

Tets is black and has all black tack with just a sheepskin wither part on his numnah and I saw a picture somewhere of a black horse all tacked up with a 5 point breastplate and it looked stunning:eek:

Shallow I know but if it were for special occasions...:rolleyes:
I use one:)

My lad is a flat back,no wither type,so saddle does slip back a bit at times.

I also am not the most lightweight person in the world,so if I did need to mount from the ground it would help keep the saddle from slipping, (hopefully!!).
I have a Sabre one, although don't use it often.

I've dragged it out of its retirement for a gymkana in April - if I'm mounting from the ground I'd prefer to grab hold of that than a handful of mane. It'll also be a useful balance strap if I have to lean to pick things up when Daffy is shying away from them. :p