2016.... Tracking Challenge( hours -ridden/inhand) add your photos as well

Whoops hit send by mistake.
If the ground was not full of icy frozen puddles covered by snow it would be a wonderful winters day..
We are going to get 50 mph gusts later its windy now but nothing like that yet.
I took it very easy to figure out places that are "walkable"

I am going to try to get out for a walk now as many days as I can.

For sure winter is had with freezing and ice!.. and ugh frozen gate latches/
I had problems with all the gates this am and one I never did get open this am hopefully the sun will melt it.
But now I know if its gonna snow and rain and freeze ugh those latches need to be covered somehow ugh.
The little kids don't seem to mind lol.
Took my last walk for 2016.
Sonny was good but some places were really icy. We had 3 nasty snow squalls yesterday and it was weird out
It was sunny with a big black cloud and white out going over. It did that 3 times and for a bit you could not see
your hand in front of your face .

My totals are pretty far back I had not ridden for a while. I will have to go look for them .

I want to keep up starting tomorrow with the walks and add riding back as the weather and footing allow.
Right now there is a lot of ice ugh The driveway is a sheet of ice and so was Virginia's across the street ugh.
My husband is getting some sanding on ours but we need some sun to heat the sand up and melt some of the ice.
Rain and snow then ice is really worse then a bit more just plain snow!!!
the snow squalls were pretty yesterday


The darkness of the pond with the white and flowing water looked quite pretty today and the barns reflection

It does not look to be much but it was an absolute thick
sheet of ice ugh.
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My last ride of the year was a good one - we went down a new bridleway and had a go at opening gates. Sadly this was a fail and I had to get off which gave a new challenge - getting back on (Harvey is 17hh). I managed to use a bank to my advantage so it wasn't too bad. More gate practice needed though!

6.3 miles
1 hour 40

Totals for year
102 hours 20
401 miles

40 hours 30
I have actually got around to adding up my totals for 2016 as I do not want to start the 2017 hacking thread until i have finished my totals for this thread:)

Total Ridden 159 hrs 10 mins :D
Total in hand 44 hrs 45 mins

p.s I have just checked the 2015 thread and my totals for that year were Total ridden 153 hours
Total in hand 20 hrs 50 mins so the ridden was near the same just an extra 6 hrs but i doubled my in hand time:)
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